Sunday 25 November 2007

Green Company installs wind turbine for NYCC

I'm delighted to announce that our new eco-friendly offices in Thurston Road, Northallerton, are now open. Whilst some staff are not moving in until later in the year, the new offices are a radical improvement upon the range of older ones they replace. The £2.7 million project will provide over 2,000 sq ft of eco-friendly office accommodation for more than 200 North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) staff. A raft of green measures will see NYCC slash its bills and cut carbon emissions by more than 330 tons a year. Measures to improve the development’s use of water, light and heat will be supplemented by an electricity-generating wind turbine to ensure that the building is the greenest in the County Council’s portfolio. The opening of the office is the first step in what we call our Bright Office Strategy, which seeks to improve our portfolio of office accommodation whenever this makes sense geographically and financially.
John Marsden, NYCC CEO